
Empowering the agriculture industry with clean energy solutions

In the heart of every farm and agricultural business, there’s a story of hard work, dedication, and a deep connection to the earth. At Greenarc, we understand that agriculture isn’t just about cultivating crops or raising livestock. It’s about nurturing the future. The push towards clean energy in agriculture represents a pivotal chapter in your story, one where sustainability and efficiency bloom together. We’re here to guide you through this transition, recognising the unique challenges and aspirations that define the agricultural sector’s journey to net-zero.

Seeding the future today

The call to adopt clean energy has never been more urgent or beneficial.
For the agriculture sector, shifting towards sustainable practices isn’t just about compliance or reputation. It’s about securing a resilient and prosperous future in an increasingly volatile climate.
The benefits of going green are as abundant as a well-managed field, from reducing operational costs to meeting the growing demand for eco-friendly produce.


Sustainable Farming Support

The UK government offers various programs and initiatives to support farmers in adopting sustainable practices.

These programs provide financial assistance, technical expertise, and knowledge-sharing opportunities. Examples include:

The Countryside Stewardship (CS) program provides grants for activities that enhance the environment, such as tree planting and improved water management.

The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) offers grants for investments that can reduce a farm’s carbon footprint, such as new technologies and infrastructure.


Laws and Regulations.

The UK government has implemented several laws and regulations to address environmental concerns in agriculture. These regulations aim to:
  • Reduce pollution from agricultural sources.
  • Promote sustainable land management practices.
  • Protect biodiversity.

Examples of relevant legislation include:

The Nitrates Directive which controls the use of nitrates from fertilizers to protect water quality.

The Environmental Protection Act 1990 sets general environmental principles and places a duty of care on polluters.

Improving Farm Productivity Grant

Green Your Farm with Solar Power!

Farmers and horticultural businesses, rejoice! The Farm Productivity Grant helps you invest in solar panels to slash energy costs and boost sustainability.


  • Lower energy bills
  • Environmentally friendly
  • Reliable power source
  • Government grant!

Get Started:

Grant covers 25% of solar equipment costs Online eligibility checker coming in January Stay tuned for application details Don’t miss out! Embrace solar power and grow a greener future for your farm. Get in touch with our team for more information.
Greenarc lays the pathways for farms to flourish sustainably

Solar PV Installations

Use some of your land to harness the sun to power your operations. Our solar solutions are designed to maximise efficiency and minimise environmental impact, providing a renewable source of energy that cuts down on electricity costs.

Electric Vehicles and EV Charging

Transition your farm vehicles to electric models with our leasing services and keep them running with tailored EV charging infrastructure. Clean, cost-effective mobility puts you in control of your carbon footprint.

Vehicle Fuels and Carbon Offset Fuel Cards

For operations not yet ready to go fully electric, large fuel card network with renewable diesel options and carbon offset programs provide a bridge, reducing your carbon footprint while keeping your machinery moving.

Electrical Services

From installation to maintenance, our electrical services ensure your farm’s heat and light energy systems are optimised for performance and sustainability.

Bulk Fuels and Lubricants

Your one-stop shop for farmers seeking both reliable bulk fuel, HVO and lubricant deliveries, ensuring your farm has a steady supply for your machinery.

Customised Clean Energy Consultation

Your farm is unique, and so are your energy needs. We start with a simple question: “Why do you want to decarbonise?” The answer helps us craft ESG and Carbon Reduction Plans that blend net-zero with the practical realities of agricultural life.

Let’s grow together

The journey towards clean energy in agriculture is brimming with opportunities. Whether it’s reduced operational costs, a strengthened brand reputation, or the need for environmental stewardship, Greenarc is here to help your business thrive sustainably.

Our Services

ESG Report

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Start your journey today

For all enquiries for solar, charging, EV’s, battery storage, heat pumps, HVO fuel, offset fuel cards and other fuels and technologies, please contact using the options below.
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We specialise in supporting our residential, commercial, and public sector clients transition from traditional fuels to clean energy in a holistic way. Contact us now and start your journey.