Greenarc Manufacturing

Making a greener future and powering progress with sustainable manufacturing

To the backbone of the world’s economies, the forgers of materials that build our lives — your manufacturing company isn’t just the key to creating products but also sculpting a sustainable environment. It’s time to power your progress with clean energy solutions. At Greenarc, we see the potential for innovation within your operations. Together, we can redefine manufacturing as a beacon of eco-progress. Let’s embark on this transformative journey to green manufacturing.

Why now? The industry’s green revolution.

The manufacturing industry is on the cusp of a new era where innovation meets sustainability. Transitioning to clean energy is no longer just an environmental decision; it’s a strategic move. With the world watching and regulations tightening, those who act swiftly to adopt green practices are setting themselves up for long-term success.

Clean energy is the keystone to shrinking your carbon footprint, slashing energy costs, and staying ahead in a marketplace that increasingly demands eco-conscious operations. It’s your move to lead the charge in your industry’s green revolution.

Greenarc’s blueprint for manufacturing excellence

Equip your operations with Greenarc’s suite of cutting-edge clean energy solutions.

Solar PV

Transform your factory’s rooftops into power generators, cutting costs and showcasing your commitment to sustainability.

EV Charging and Electrical Services

Modernise your facility with EV charging stations for staff and fleet vehicles, driving home your contribution to cleaner transport solutions. Illuminate your production lines with LED lighting that ensures energy efficiency, lowers operational costs, and improves workplace safety.

Electric Vehicle Leasing for Business

Upgrade your business fleet with our range of leasing and rental options. Modernise your service fleet with electric vehicles, reflecting your commitment to cutting-edge, eco-friendly transport solutions.

Bulk Fuels and HVO

Our nationwide bulk fuel and 100% renewable diesel service keeps your operations running. Utilise our scheduled fuelling plan to ensure you always have a reliable supply of the vital fuel you require to run your machinery and keep your factors warm.

Vehicle Fuels and Carbon Offset Fuel Cards

Our large fuel card network and our Carbon Offset Fuel Cards offer solutions to bridge the gap in your journey to carbon neutrality, helping balance your footprint while you transition towards cleaner technologies.

Tailored Clean Energy Consultation

Your manufacturing processes are as unique as your products. We can consult with you to build your carbon reduction strategy customised to your company’s unique needs and sustainability goals.

Your partnership in innovation awaits

Pursuing sustainable manufacturing is a clear sign you’re operating at the forefront of industry innovation.
Whether it’s for competitive advantage, regulatory compliance, or corporate responsibility, Greenarc is your partner in this pivotal shift.

Our Services

ESG Report

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Start your journey today

For all enquiries for solar, charging, EV’s, battery storage, heat pumps, HVO fuel, offset fuel cards and other fuels and technologies, please contact using the options below.
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We specialise in supporting our residential, commercial, and public sector clients transition from traditional fuels to clean energy in a holistic way. Contact us now and start your journey.