Professional Sports Clubs

Leading the clean energy league and scoring sustainability with Greenarc

To the titans of teamwork, mastery, and athleticism — your club’s impact extends far beyond the thrill of the game. It reaches into the hearts and minds of fans, communities, and the next generation of athletes. At Greenarc, we understand the powerful platform you possess to champion sustainability. Transitioning to clean energy with us sets you up for operational efficiency and cost savings and positions you as a pioneer in the global climate action arena.

Let’s play the bigger game together — for the love of sports and the planet.

Why now? The green playbook unfolds.

In an era where climate change is the defining challenge, the call for action has echoed through stadiums, fields, and arenas worldwide.

Aligning with the United Nations Sports for Climate Action (UNSFCA) framework, it’s clear that sports clubs like yours have a crucial role to play.

This initiative is not just about reducing your climate footprint; it’s about inspiring and mobilising fans, athletes, and communities to join the race against climate change.

The goalposts are to follow a clear trajectory toward combating climate change, aligning with the Paris Agreement’s ambition to limit global warming well below 2 degrees Celsius. It’s about using the unifying power of sports as a catalyst for international solidarity in climate action.

The game is on, and the time for your club to take part in this worldwide movement is now.

Greenarc’s game plan for sustainability

We’re ready to support your club with a full team sheet of clean energy solutions.

Solar PV

Convert your facilities into renewable energy powerhouses, demonstrating your commitment to the environment every day.

EV Charging and Electrical Services

Equip your club with the infrastructure for electric vehicles, highlighting a forward-thinking approach to mobility. Brighten your establishment with energy-efficient LED lighting that enhances visibility and atmosphere while slashing energy bills.

Vehicle Leasing and EV Solutions

Upgrade your business fleet with our range of leasing and rental options. Transition your fleet or offer green alternatives for player and staff transportation, embodying your commitment to sustainability.

Bulk Fuels and HVO

Our nationwide bulk fuel and 100% renewable diesel service keeps your facilities comfortable and your carbon footprint low. Utilise our scheduled fuelling plan to ensure you always have a reliable supply of the vital fuel you require to run and maintain your facilities.

Vehicle Fuels and Carbon Offset Fuel Cards

Our large fuel card network and our renewable diesel options seamlessly integrate greener fuel options and carbon offsetting as stepping stones towards a fully sustainable operation.

Customised Clean Energy Consultation

Every club’s journey towards decarbonisation is unique. Starting with your “why”, we craft a strategic roadmap that aligns with your goals, timeline, and the broader ambitions of the global sports community for climate action.

Together, we can win this

Embracing this mission positions your club as a leader in sports and a star player in the global push towards sustainability.
This is more than a game. It’s a legacy.

Our Services

ESG Report

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Start your journey today

For all enquiries for solar, charging, EV’s, battery storage, heat pumps, HVO fuel, offset fuel cards and other fuels and technologies, please contact using the options below.
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We specialise in supporting our residential, commercial, and public sector clients transition from traditional fuels to clean energy in a holistic way. Contact us now and start your journey.