Greenarc's Carbon Reduction Report

Perfectly aligned, totally transparent – carbon reduction planning, simplified

The battle against climate change is a collective effort that requires businesses to measure their carbon footprint and reduce it proactively. A Carbon Reduction Plan (CRP) is your strategic roadmap to achieve this. It’s more than just compliance. It’s your business’s commitment to the future.

Industries we work with

Why Greenarc?

Go beyond compliance and take a proactive approach to sustainability with Greenarc’s expert-led carbon reduction plan (CRP) services.

We understand every business is unique, which is why our CRPs are customised to perfectly align with your specific sustainability goals.


Expert Guidance

Tap into our well of knowledge. We’ve got the expertise to navigate the complexities of carbon reduction planning.



Complex processes made easy. Our approach removes the hassle, making CRP straightforward and stress-free.


Legislation Aware

Always ahead of the curve. We stay updated on environmental regulations to ensure your CRP is compliant today and tomorrow.


Greenwashing Guard

Authenticity at its core. We ensure your reporting is transparent and accurate, protecting your brand from greenwashing pitfalls.

Your roadmap to sustainability

Achieving your sustainability goals requires a clear roadmap. Greenarc’s Carbon Reduction Plan (CRP) provides a comprehensive framework to not only reduce your environmental impact but also demonstrate your commitment to a greener future.

Here’s how our CRP functions as your compass for a sustainable future:

Measure and understand

We will measure your emissions by calculating your organisation’s greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) footprint. This typically includes scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions. 

Establishes ambitious goals

We will establish reduction targets using your baseline emissions data allowing you to set specific goals for reducing them over time. These targets can align with scientific recommendations or government regulations, aiming for net-zero emissions in the long term.

Actionable strategies

Our CRP identifies and outlines specific actions you’ll take to achieve your reduction targets. This might involve using renewable energy sources, improving energy efficiency, reducing travel emissions, or changing procurement practices.

Track and monitor progress

Success requires monitoring. We will help you establish a monitoring system to track your progress over time. This allows you to see the effectiveness of your actions and make adjustments as needed, ensuring you stay on track to achieve your sustainability goals.

By partnering with Greenarc for your CRP, you gain not only a roadmap to a sustainable future, but also the expertise and guidance to navigate the journey successfully.

The Benefits of Greenarc’s

Carbon Reduction Plan Service 

At Greenarc, CRP is more than a business process. It’s our contribution to a sustainable future. By entrusting us with your CRP creation, you’re being responsible and reaping a suite of benefits:

Competitive advantage

Companies that understand their carbon footprint and actively work to reduce it are desirable to environmentally-conscious consumers. A robust CRP demonstrates your commitment to sustainability, making you a more attractive partner for collaborations and potential acquisitions.

Tender compliance

Many public and private sector companies now want to see a CRP as part of your tender proposal. Open the doors to lucrative contracts by getting your CRP on point. Stand out in tenders with Greenarc’s bespoke CRPs tailored to each project, ensuring your proposal aligns with tender goals and maximises your chance of winning.

Cost savings

Watch savings grow. By implementing a CRP, you can reduce waste, cut down on emissions, and optimise operations to save time and decrease dependence on fossil fuels.

Brand reputation

Enhance your reputation one carbon unit at a time. A strong CRP is a powerful brand signal that can boost customer retention, investor confidence, and employee morale.

Get in touch

No matter your industry, size, or ambition, Greenarc is here to help you chart your course towards a lower-carbon future.

Contact our team to discuss your Carbon Reduction Plan today.

Our additional services

ESG Report

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