Finding the Perfect EV for Work – The 3 Big Factors to Consider

Finding the Perfect EV for Work – The 3 Big Factors to Consider

Electric vehicles (EVs) are becoming increasingly popular for personal and professional use. Not only do EVs reduce fuel costs, but they also help to reduce carbon emissions. However, several factors need to be considered when choosing an EV for work.

In this blog, we’ll explore the three big factors you should consider when deciding which EV is best suited for your needs and the first decision will be to choose which type of EV you want.

Types of Electric Vehicles Available 

There are three types of EVs you can choose from:

Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV)

Entirely powered by battery, BEVs are the most common type of EV available. They have a range of up to around 400 miles and require no fuel. The battery is charged by plugging it into a charging port.

Plug-in Vehicle (PHEV)

A PHEV is a combination of both electric and petrol/diesel power sources. These vehicles have a small battery capacity than BEVs but still offer the convenience of electric power for shorter distances. The car is charged by plugging into a charging port and can then switch to petrol/diesel when the battery runs out.

Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV)

HEVs use both petrol/diesel and electric power, but the battery is recharged by the energy generated when braking or coasting. HEVs are more fuel-efficient than traditional combustion vehicles but don’t offer as much range as BEVs or PHEVs. Your decision will largely depend on your appetite to move to a full BEV. However, many people feel it’s too big a jump, so they prefer the security of a PHEV or HEV. Currently, PHEVs and HEVs are a kind of halfway house for those who aren’t ready to commit to a full EV. However, they will be phased out in line with the UK Government’s pledge to achieve net zero, so their days are numbered, and BEVs will become the only option.

Battery Range

In all the years we’ve been supplying EVs to businesses, this is by far the most prominent thought in everyone’s mind. It’s understandable as the whole charging instead of refuelling activity is the biggest change when switching to an EV. Until now, we fuel our vehicles depending on various factors, such as how much we want to spend in a single fill-up, how far we’re travelling, or the availability of fuel at our destination. An EV isn’t that much different. But the biggest fear is running out of charge when nowhere near a charge point. And it’s a fair thought, as you can’t fill a jerry can with a few miles worth of electricity to get you home.

As a result, everyone obsesses about constantly having their EV fully charged. But it’s not necessary if you put a little thought into your route. For example, if you do a 20-mile-per-day commute and your car’s maximum range is 250 miles, you’ll get two weeks out of a single charge.

We find that most EV drivers quickly adapt to topping up the charge whenever the opportunity arises. More public chargers are available daily at
supermarkets, car parks, leisure facilities, shopping centres, and petrol stations, and topping up when your car is parked becomes second nature.

Ultimately, each driver will need to work out their regular mileage and occasional routes. For example, you may only commute 100 miles per week for work, but if you make a 400-mile round trip to see family every couple of weeks as well, it will affect your choice of EV.


When selecting an EV for work purposes, cost considerations play a significant role in deciding which model is right for you. The upfront cost of
EVs can be higher than traditional ICE vehicles, but they offer substantial savings over time due to reduced fuel costs and maintenance expenses. Additionally, specific government incentives may apply in some instances, which can further reduce the overall cost of ownership of an EV compared to its ICE counterparts.

The best way to determine the costs is to use the Whole Life Cost calculation. It’s a tool we always use when consulting with clients on EV
adoption in their business, and it covers all the factors that make up the Total Cost of Ownership.

So as well as the monthly rental cost, we factor in other elements such as maintenance, fuel, company car tax, insurance, NIC, and many more.

However, with schemes like our latest Salary Exchange programme, your employees can now lease a brand new EV through your business, making huge savings for themselves at no additional cost to you.


With so many factors to consider when deciding which electric vehicle is best suited for work purposes choosing one can seem like a daunting task indeed. By focusing on those big three factors first, businesses and drivers are better prepared to adopt the electric vehicle revolution. It’s not really that scary after all!

Greenarc Vehicles are recognised experts in providing electric vehicles for business fleets. Contact us today to discuss your requirements.

Learn more about Greenarc’s services including solar, charging, EV’s, battery storage, heat pumps, HVO fuel and offset fuel cards.

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