
Charting your green journey towards a sustainable commerce

To leaders of trade and commerce, your businesses are the cogs that keep our economy vibrant and flourishing. Now, you can elevate that influence through your products and services and your commitment to a sustainable future. Greenarc is your partner in making this shift, transforming every aspect of your commercial operations into conduits of clean energy.

Why now? The business case for sustainability.

In this era of increasing environmental consciousness, businesses that adopt clean energy practices do more than reduce their carbon footprint. They earn the loyalty of an emerging market that values corporate social responsibility. The transition to clean energy presents a valuable opportunity to create sustainable brands, improve operational efficiency, and cultivate a healthier planet. The urgency isn’t only ecological. It’s economic.

Greenarc’s Suite of Sustainable Solutions for the Commercial Sector

Discover how Greenarc can fuel your transition with our comprehensive suite of clean energy services.

Solar PV Installations

Harness the sun’s power and convert your commercial spaces into renewable energy sources.

EV Charging Stations

Install EV charging points at your establishments, offering value to customers and employees while reiterating your commitment to a clean environment.

Vehicle Leasing and EV Solutions

Upgrade your business fleet with our range of leasing and rental options. Lower your carbon emissions and create a progressive brand image by transitioning your company fleet to electric vehicles.

Energy-Efficient Electrical Services

Optimise your energy usage with our range of electrical services tailored to commercial spaces. Transform your lighting into a beacon of efficiency with LED solutions. Consume less energy without compromising on brightness or coverage.

Bulk Fuels, HVO and Carbon Offsetting 

Our large fuel card network, nationwide fuel and HVO deliveries and our carbon offsetting scheme offer solutions to bridge the gap in your journey to carbon neutrality, helping balance your footprint while you transition towards cleaner technologies.

Customised Clean Energy Strategy

Not all commercial enterprises are the same. We understand that and offer personalised solutions catering to your needs for a green transition.

A thriving business on a thriving planet

With Greenarc, businesses evolve to become icons of change.
They represent a future where profitability and sustainability are intertwined, and each step forward is a giant leap towards creating healthier environments.

The move to clean energy goes beyond an operational decision. It’s a commitment to a belief that businesses can be stewards of change. Lead by example and inspire a culture of commerce that values the health of our planet just as much as profits.

Our Services

ESG Report

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Start your journey today

For all enquiries for solar, charging, EV’s, battery storage, heat pumps, HVO fuel, offset fuel cards and other fuels and technologies, please contact using the options below.
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We specialise in supporting our residential, commercial, and public sector clients transition from traditional fuels to clean energy in a holistic way. Contact us now and start your journey.