Public Sector.

Crafting your clean energy strategic pathway together.
In public service, you’re not just managing resources; you’re shaping the future of communities. Recognising this, Greenarc presents more than services; we offer a partnership in dreaming big and acting boldly. Your journey to sustainability starts with a clear vision, and we’re here to help define and refine this vision, turning it into an ambitious and actionable roadmap.
Why now? A pivotal for public leadership.
The call for climate action has never been clearer or more urgent. As public entities, embracing clean energy fulfils environmental mandates and resonates with the values of the communities you serve. Transitioning to sustainable practices is a visible and powerful way to drive change, foster public trust and ensure a resilient future for the communities who depend on you.
Greenarc’s Commitment to Public Sector Excellence
The transition to clean energy is a strategic transformation. It’s about aligning with global trends, legislative mandates, and community expectations in a thoughtful and effective way.
Here’s how Greenarc helps to create your strategic sustainability journey.

Tailored Sustainability Audits

Understanding where you stand is step one. We assess your current energy consumption, infrastructure capabilities, and operational needs to craft a baseline for growth.

Comprehensive Strategy Development

It’s not just about picking sustainable technologies; we will weave them into a coherent strategy that aligns with your goals, budget, and timelines. With our help, you’ll have a step-by-step plan tailored to your public service mandates.

Phased Implementation Plans

Rome wasn’t built in a day, and we understand that transforming public sector operations to green energy is a gradual process. We outline phased approaches that allow for quick wins, build momentum, and set the stage for more substantial changes, ensuring constant and measurable progress.

Contact Us For Your Free Fuel Quote!

Customers have a single point of contact and a single fuel account to make fuel procurement simple and reliable.
Crafting your clean energy vision together
Our suite of solutions is designed to integrate seamlessly into your broader sustainability strategy, including:

Solar PV Installations

Generate renewable energy, powering your facilities and operations.

EV Charging Infrastructure

Make electric vehicle charging accessible, encouraging a shift towards electric transportation in your community.

Electric Vehicle Leasing

Modernise your fleet with electric options to significantly reduce emissions from public service vehicles.

Energy-Efficient Electrical Services

Upgrade and optimise your electrical systems for maximum efficiency and lower energy consumption.

Sustainable Heating Solutions

Heat your buildings with systems that reduce emissions and save energy without compromising on comfort.

LED Lighting Upgrades

Brighten public spaces and buildings with high-efficiency LED lighting, saving energy and costs.

Empowerment through education and engagement
Greenarc’s role doesn’t end with implementing solutions; we aim to empower.
This means training your teams, engaging with the community, and providing the tools to maintain and build upon the strides you’ve made towards sustainability.

Shape the future with Greenarc.

Where your commitment to public service meets our expertise in clean energy. Together, let’s create a blueprint for a sustainable public sector ready to meet today’s challenges and pave the way for tomorrow’s successes.

Our Services.

ESG Report

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EV Charging

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Fuel and EV Cards

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LED Lighting

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Solar and Battery

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Start your journey today.

For all enquiries for solar, charging, EV’s, battery storage, heat pumps, HVO fuel, offset fuel cards and other fuels and technologies, please contact using the options below.
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We specialise in supporting our residential, commercial, and public sector clients transition from traditional fuels to clean energy in a holistic way. Contact us now and start your journey.